Sunday, 30 March 2014

Module 4 - Week 5

Latin Name: Hyacinthus orientalis
Common Name: common hyacinth
Family: Asparagaceae
Origin: Southwestern Asia
Tree/Shrub/Herb: Herbaceous perennial
Form: Basal leaves with flowering stalks
Habit: Spreading
Leaves: Basal around flower stalk, irregular margin
Flowers: Radially arranged racemes of purple trumpets
Cultural Requirements: Sensitive to wet soil, needs drainage and aeration
Landscape Uses: Spring colour
Notes: Powerful sweet fragrance

Latin Name: Magnolia ‘Susan’
Common Name: magnolia Susan
Family: Magnoliaceae
Origin: Garden origin
Tree/Shrub/Herb: Deciduous tree
Form: Dwarf tree
Habit: Rounded branching
Leaves: Typical magnolia leaf
Flowers: Flowers profusely, white fornt side of tepals, pink underside, lanceolate tepals
Cultural Requirements: Moist, acidic, well drained soil, full sun
Landscape Uses: Dwarf flowering tree for smaller spaces
Notes: Grows to 4m tall

Latin Name: Prunus × yedoensis 'Somei-Yoshino'
Common Name: Somei-Yoshino cherry
Family: Rosaceae
Origin: Garden origin
Tree/Shrub/Herb: Deciduous tree
Form: Rounded branching on single main trunk
Habit: Dense
Leaves: Ovate, pointed tip, serrated margin
Flowers: 5 pinkish-white sepals, coymb
Cultural Requirements: Among best cherries suited to typical Vancouver conditions
Landscape Uses: Space for large flowering tree
Notes: Propagates easily, is not grafted

Latin Name: Scilla siberica
Common Name: Siberian squill
Family: Asparagaceae
Origin: Caucasus
Tree/Shrub/Herb: Herbaceous perennial 
Form: Basal leaves and flowering stalks
Habit: Spreading
Leaves: Basal, radial, thick lanceolate, pointed tip
Flowers: Purple racemes of pendulous florets, 6 petals, blue anthers
Cultural Requirements: Average, medium, well-drained soil, full sun to part shade
Landscape Uses: Spring bulb colour
Notes: Can spread somewhat aggressively

Latin Name: Rhododendron ‘PJM’
Common Name: rhododendron PJM
Family: Ericaceae
Origin: Garden origin
Tree/Shrub/Herb: Evergreen shrub
Form: Rounded
Habit: Densely branched, tight
Leaves: Small ovate leaves, purple/brown in winter, green in summer
Flowers: Small pink flower
Cultural Requirements: Moist but well drained organic soil, shade or sun
Landscape Uses: Where an flowering evergreen shrub is needed, institutions
Notes: Will flower in shade or sun

Latin Name: Prunus cerasifera 'Thundercloud'
Common Name: Thundercloud cherry-plum
Family: Rosaceae
Origin: Garden origin
Tree/Shrub/Herb: Deciduous tree
Form: Vaselike
Habit: Diffuse branching without a leader
Leaves: Ovate, pointed tip, serrated margin
Flowers: Solitary, 5 pink petals
Cultural Requirements: Moist, acidic soil, well drained, full sun
Landscape Uses: Medium sized flowering tree 
Notes: Solitary flowers distinguish from cherries

Latin Name: Berberis verruculosa
Common Name: warty barberry
Family: Berberidaceae
Origin: Western China
Tree/Shrub/Herb: Evergreen shrub
Form: Mounded
Habit: Reaching stems which arch with age
Leaves: Triangular, spiny margin, whorled at nodes, white underside
Flowers: Yellow floret, small, blooming at end of April
Stem/Bark: Light brown stem with thorns 
Cultural Requirements: Lean soil, full sun, will withstand abusive conditions
Landscape Uses: Barrier shrub
Notes: Dark blue fruit

Latin Name: Prunus ‘Accolade’
Common Name: Accolade cherry
Family: Rosaceae
Origin: Garden origin
Tree/Shrub/Herb: Deciduous tree
Form: Broad
Habit: Upward arching branches
Leaves: Ovate, pointed tip, serrated
Flowers: Double flowers, pinkish-white petals, white inner circle
Cultural Requirements: Moist, acid, well drain soil, full sun
Landscape Uses: Large space for flowering tree
Notes:Needs good air circulation and full sun to avoid disease

Latin Name: Muscari neglecta
Common Name: grape hyacinth
Family: Asparagaceae
Origin: Southern Europe, NW Africa, SW Asia
Tree/Shrub/Herb: Herbaceous perennial
Form: Basal leaves with flowering stalks
Habit: Spreading
Leaves: Linear, basal, acute apex
Flowers: Purple racemes, white rim around edge of petals
Cultural Requirements: Moist, well drained soil, full sun to partial shade
Landscape Uses: You probably shouldn't use it - it's pretty weedy
Notes: Weedy, produces a lot of seed

Latin Name: Magnolia x loebneri ‘Merrill’
Common Name: magnolia Merrill
Family: Magnoliaceae
Origin: Garden origin
Tree/Shrub/Herb: Deciduous tree
Form: Arbourescent
Habit: Upward arching branches
Leaves: Typical magnolia leaves
Flowers: White flowers, 6 tepals
Cultural Requirements: Moist, acidic, organic, well drained soil in full sun
Landscape Uses: Larger space for tallish tree
Notes: Grows to 10m

Latin Name: Magnolia x loebneri ‘Leonard Messel’
Common Name: magnolia Leonard Messel
Family: Magnoliaceae
Origin: Garden origin
Tree/Shrub/Herb: Deciduous shrub/tree
Form: Mounded, shrubby
Habit: Multi-stemmed
Leaves: Typical magnolia leaves
Flowers: Whiteish-pink, 12 tepals
Cultural Requirements: Moist, acidic, organic, well drained soil in full sun
Landscape Uses: Space for a large shrub/borderline tree
Notes: Grows to 4-5m tall, slower growing and more expensive than Merrill

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Module 4 - Week 4

Latin Name: Ipheion uniflorum
Common Name: spring starflower
Family: Amaryllidaceae
Origin: Argentina, Uruguay
Tree/Shrub/Herb: Herbaceous perennial
Form: Low foliage and taller flowering stalks
Habit: Spreading
Leaves: Basal, linear, acute apex
Flowers: 6 tepals (3 outer, 3 inner), pale purple, solitary
Cultural Requirements: Full sun, endures summer dryness, well drained soil
Landscape Uses: Early spring colour, groundcover
Notes: Will self sow

Latin Name: Iris unguicularis
Common Name: Algerian iris
Family: Iridaceae
Origin: Greece, Turkey, Western Syria, and Tunisia
Tree/Shrub/Herb: Evergreen herbaceous perennial
Form: Sprawling foliage and flowering stalks
Habit: Spreading
Leaves: Flattened, basal, linear
Flowers: 6 purple petals, 3 with yellow/white patterning
Cultural Requirements: Moist, well drained soil, partial sun
Landscape Uses: Evergreen ground cover, stunning flowers
Notes: Spreads rhizomotously

Latin Name: Prunus incisa
Common Name: Fuji cherry
Family: Rosaceae
Origin: Japan
Tree/Shrub/Herb: Deciduous shrub
Form: Upright, arching
Habit: Dense, irregular
Leaves: Deeply incised
Flowers: White petals, yellow anthers, in clusters, pendulous to shed water
Bark: Purple/brown bark, heavily lenticeled 
Cultural Requirements: Full sun, well drained, moist soil
Landscape Uses: Early spring colour, interest shrub
Notes: Grows very slowly

Latin Name: Mukdenia rossii
Common Name: mukdenia
Family: Saxifragaceae
Origin: China, Manchuria, Korea
Tree/Shrub/Herb: Herbaceous perennial
Form: Low foliage with taller flower stalks
Habit: Spreading groundcover
Leaves: Maple like, 12-15cm aross, palmately lobed, serrated margin
Flowers: Clusters of small white florets with yellow centres
Cultural Requirements: Full sun to partial shade, moist, well drained soil
Landscape Uses: Ground cover, reddish new foliage
Notes: Rhizomatous

Latin Name: Euphorbia myrsinites
Common Name: creeping spurge
Family: Euphorbiaceae
Origin: SE Europe and Asia Minor
Tree/Shrub/Herb: Evergreen perennial
Form: Leaves whorled around stems and flowers terminal
Habit: Prostrate
Leaves: Whorled, imbricate, triangular, pointy, bluish-green colour
Flowers: Flowers recessed behind outermost leaves, yellow, cyme
Cultural Requirements: Lean, dry, well drained soil
Landscape Uses: Evergreen groundcover
Notes: Sap is extremely caustic

Latin Name: Plectritis congesta
Common Name: seablush
Family: Valerianaceae
Origin: Western North America
Tree/Shrub/Herb: Herbaceous annual
Form: Basal leaves and flowering stalks
Habit: Dense carpet
Leaves: Ovate, acute apex
Flowers: Terminal pink clusters, involucre of hairy bracts
Cultural Requirements: Moist, acidic, organic, well drained soil, partial shade
Landscape Uses: Groundcover
Notes: Forms rosettes over winter

Latin Name: Rhododendron oreodoxa
Common Name: mountain glory rhododendron
Family: Ericaceae
Origin: China
Tree/Shrub/Herb: Evergreen shrub
Form: Arborescent
Habit: Arching stems
Leaves: Medium sized elliptic leaves
Flowers: Pink petals, black anthers, 10-12 flowers per head
Cultural Requirements: Moist, well drained woodland conditions
Landscape Uses: flowering shrub for large garden spaces

Latin Name: Polystichum polyblepharum
Common Name: Japanese eyelash fern
Family: Dryopteridaceae
Origin: Japan
Tree/Shrub/Herb: Perennial fern
Form: Fronds originating from central axis
Habit: Low arching sprays of fronds
Leaves: Hairy stipe, dark green, Vs of small brown sori on underside
Cultural Requirements: Moist soil, very tolerant of dry shade
Landscape Uses: Evergeen cover in dry shade
Notes: AKA tassel fern

Latin Name: Magnolia zenii
Common Name: zen magnolia
Family: Magnoliaceae
Origin: China
Tree/Shrub/Herb: Deciduous tree
Form: Upright
Habit: Arching stems
Leaves: Typical magnolia leaves
Flowers: White petals with pale pink markings, buds erect before opening
Cultural Requirements: Moist, acidic, organic soil, well drained, full sun
Landscape Uses: Deciduous tree for large spaces
Notes: Critically endangered in the wild

Latin Name: Ajuga reptans 
Common Name: common bugle
Family: Lamiaceae
Origin: Europe
Tree/Shrub/Herb: Evergreen perennial herb 
Form: Low, matlike
Habit: Spreading
Leaves: Opposite, deccusate, ovate, irregular margin
Flowers: Verticilaster infloresence, blue flowers
Cultural Requirements: Shade and moisture loving
Landscape Uses: Ground cover
Notes: Rhizomatous and stoloniferous

Latin Name: Acorus gramineus 'Variegatus'
Common Name: variegated sweet flag
Family: Araceae
Origin: Garden origin
Tree/Shrub/Herb: Evergreen herbaceous perennial
Form: Basal blades and flowering stalks
Habit: Clump forming 
Leaves: Flattened leaves produced in one plane, stripe down centre
Flowers: Black spadix, reduced spathe
Cultural Requirements: Moisture loving, partial shade
Landscape Uses: Grassy texture in wet areas
Notes: Will spread once established

Latin Name: Primula juliae
Common Name: primrose
Family: Primulaceae
Origin: Eastern Caucasus
Tree/Shrub/Herb: Herbaceous perennial
Form: Round
Habit: Prostrate
Leaves: Simple, basal, glabrous, obovate, serrated margin
Flowers: Solitary, 5 petalous, dark purple
Cultural Requirements: Full sun to part shade, moist soil (especially in sunnier spots), well drained
Landscape Uses: Early spring colour, ground cover
Latin Name: Anemone nemorosa
Common Name: wood anemone
Family: Ranunculaceae
Origin: Europe
Tree/Shrub/Herb: Herbaceous perennial
Form: Low, matlike
Habit: Spreading
Leaves: Deeply divided leaves in 5 parts, divisions are lobed
Flowers: White pendulous flowers
Cultural Requirements: Moist, acidic, well drained soil, partial shade, woodland conditions
Landscape Uses: Ground cover
Notes: Can be aggressive in woodland conditions

Latin Name: Lysichiton americanus
Common Name: skunk cabbage
Family: Araceae
Origin: Western North America
Tree/Shrub/Herb: Herbaceous perennial
Form: Basal flower stalks and shoots
Habit: Cascading from centre
Leaves: Very large, obovate
Flowers: Yellow spathe, spadix begins green then flowers white, male florets above females
Cultural Requirements: Very wet anaerobic conditions, shade to partial shade
Landscape Uses: Native interest in wet areas
Notes: Doesn't really stink that bad

Latin Name: Pulmonaria saccharata
Common Name: Bethlehem sage
Family: Boraginaceae
Origin: France and Italy
Tree/Shrub/Herb: Herbaceous perennial
Form: Low foliage with flowering stalks
Habit: Spreading
Leaves: Spotted, lung shaped
Flowers: Purple and pink florets on a scorpioid cyme
Cultural Requirements: Partial shade, moist, well drained soil
Landscape Uses: Colour interest in early spring
Notes: People used to think this would fix your lungs

Latin Name: Epimedium x rubrum
Common Name: barrenwort
Family: Berberidaceae
Origin: Garden origin
Tree/Shrub/Herb: Herbaceous perennial
Form: Low leaf cover with taller flowering shoots
Habit: Spreading
Leaves: Reddish, chordate, 3 leaflets per leaf
Flowers: Racemes, red sepals, yellow petals
Cultural Requirements: Moist, acidic, well drained soil, full sun to partial shade
Landscape Uses: Ground cover
Notes: Spreads rhizomatously

Latin Name: Muscari latifolium
Common Name: grape hyacinth
Family: Asparagaceae
Origin: Pine forests in Turkey
Tree/Shrub/Herb: Herbaceous perennial
Form: Flowering spikes with basal leaves
Habit: Erect
Leaves: Basal, singular, wrapping around flowering stalk
Flowers: Purple spikes, lighter top with a darker bottom portion
Cultural Requirements: Thrive well in dryness under a pine needle layer
Landscape Uses: Early spring colour
Notes: Will naturalize and spread to some degree

Latin Name: Matteuccia struthiopteris
Common Name: ostrich fern
Family: Onocleaceae
Origin: Temperate northern hemisphere
Tree/Shrub/Herb: Perennial fern
Form: Erect
Habit: Tightly packed fronds
Leaves: Spore producing leaves appear before vegetative leaves
Cultural Requirements: Moist, well drained woodland conditions, shadey
Landscape Uses: Texture within more dramatic plants
Notes: This plant is the source of edible fiddleheads sold at grocery stores

Latin Name: Luzula sylvatica
Common Name: great wood-rush
Family: Juncaceae
Origin: Europe, SW Asia
Tree/Shrub/Herb: Evergreen perennial grass
Form: Low, dense, matlike
Habit: Spreading
Leaves: Linear, flattened blades with acute apex
Flowers: Small whitish flowering heads, round flowering stalk
Cultural Requirements: Wet, shaded, woodland conditions
Landscape Uses: Grassy groundcover 
Notes: Rushes are round

Saturday, 22 March 2014

Module 4 - Week 3

Latin Name: Magnolia sprengeri var. diva
Common Name: sprengeri diva
Family: Magnoliaceae
Origin: China
Tree/Shrub/Herb: Deciduous tree
Form: Single trunk, no leader
Habit: Diffuse branching, rounded
Leaves: Oval, thick, typical Magnolia sp. leaves
Flowers: Dark outer tepals, paler inner tepals
Cultural Requirements: Well drained moist soil, full sun to partial shade
Landscape Uses: Large deciduous garden tree, adds colour in early spring
Notes: This tree is grafted and this produces a dwarfing effect

Latin Name: Epimedium pinnatum subsp. colchicum
Common Name: bishop's hat
Family: Berberidaceae
Origin: Northern Iran
Tree/Shrub/Herb: Evergreen shrub
Form: Low groundcover with flowering shoots
Habit: Spreading
Leaves: Basal leaves from rhizomes, compoundly trifoliate, serrated, spiny margin, triangular
Flowers: Yellow racemes, 4 sepals, petals modified into nectaries
Cultural Requirements: Will thrive in dry shade
Landscape Uses: Groundcover in dry shade conditions
Notes: Pollinated primarily by butterflies

Latin Name: Saxifraga stolonifera
Common Name: strawberry begonia
Family: Saxifragaceae
Origin: Asia
Tree/Shrub/Herb: Herbaceous evergreen
Form: Low groundcover
Habit: Spreading
Leaves: Circular, basal, serrated margin, patterned veination
Flowers: White flowering spikes
Cultural Requirements: Wet soil in shady woodland conditions
Landscape Uses: Groundcover in a wet area
Notes: Spreads with stolons

Latin Name: Primula denticulata
Common Name: drumstick primula
Family: Primulaceae
Origin: Alpine areas of Asia
Tree/Shrub/Herb: Herbaceous perennial
Form: Basal foliage with flowering stalks
Habit: Clump forming
Leaves: Lanceolate, denticulate margin
Flowers: 5 purple petals, yellow centre, globose infloresense
Cultural Requirements: Wetter soils, partial shade but need some sun
Landscape Uses: Early spring colour in wet areas
Notes: Can trigger allergies in some people

Latin Name: Rhododendron thomsonii
Common Name: Thomson's rhododendron
Family: Ericaceae
Origin: India, Nepal, China
Tree/Shrub/Herb: Evergreen shrub
Form: Long primary trunks with reaching secondary branching
Habit: Reaching towards sunlight
Leaves: Mid sized leaf, round shape, bluish tinge
Flowers:Terminal clusters of red florets with black anthers
Stem/Bark: Peeling reddish bark 
Cultural Requirements: Partial shade, moist, organic, well drained soil
Landscape Uses: Good in large sized spaces in woodland conditions
Notes: Susceptible to powdery mildew

Latin Name: Narcissus ‘King Alfred’
Common Name: King Alfred daffodil
Family: Amaryllidaceae
Origin: Garden origin
Tree/Shrub/Herb: Herbaceous perennial
Form: Upright with drooping head
Habit: Clump forming
Leaves: Linear, dark green, basal
Flowers: Large flower head, pale yellow sepals with a deeper yellow corona
Cultural Requirements: Full sun, moist, well drained, moderately rich soil
Landscape Uses: Early spring colour
Notes: This is the most common daffodil in the trade

Latin Name: Narcissus 'Tete-a-tete'
Common Name: Tete-a-tete daffodil
Family: Amaryllidaceae
Origin: Garden origin
Tree/Shrub/Herb: Herbaceous perennial
Form: Upright with drooping head, dwarf form
Habit: Clump forming
Leaves: Linear, dark green, basal
Flowers: Pale yellow sepals with a deeper yellow corona
Cultural Requirements: Full sun, moist, well drained, moderately rich soil
Landscape Uses: Early spring colour

Latin Name: Heuchera americana hybrids
Common Name: coral bells
Family: Saxifragaceae
Origin: North America
Tree/Shrub/Herb: Herbaceous perennial
Form: Low, basal
Habit: Spreading, planted in clumps
Leaves: Basal, many lobes, come in many different colours and shades
Flowers: Racemes of white flowers
Cultural Requirements: Moist, well drained soil in full sun to partial shade
Landscape Uses: Used as a disposable bedding plant
Notes: Susceptible to weevil damage

Latin Name: Viola x wittrockiana
Common Name: pansy
Family: Violaceae
Origin: Garden origin
Tree/Shrub/Herb: Herbaceous perennial
Form: Low mounds
Habit: Clump forming
Leaves: Oval shaped, basal
Flowers: 5 irregularly sized petals (2 upper, 2 side and one bottom) of varying colours
Cultural Requirements: Moist, well drained soil in full sun
Landscape Uses: Short term bedding plant
Notes: Grows well from seed

Latin Name: Stachyurus praecox
Common Name: early stachyurus
Family: Stachyuraceae
Origin: Japan
Tree/Shrub/Herb: Deciduous shrub
Form: Densely branched
Habit: Climbing diagonally up through trees
Leaves: Ovate, 13-15cm long, dull/dark green colour
Flowers: Pendulous racemes of yellow florets
Stem/Bark: Pale brown/reddish bark 
Cultural Requirements: Light, acidic, moist, well drained soil in full sun to light shade
Landscape Uses: Early spring interest
Notes: Smells funky